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A message from Cyndi Ingle Howells, founder of Cyndi's List

As you may know it takes a lot of time and money to run Cyndi's List, to keep the links up to date, and to keep the directory growing.
MyHeritage has authorized me to pass along this great deal to you --
50% off their MyHeritage Data Subscription. For each sale they will donate a
substantial amount back to Cyndi's List, helping me to continue to provide Cyndi's List as a free research tool for all of you.
Since they made this generous offer, I have been busy exploring and researching to see what there is to offer at MyHeritage. At the recent RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City I also had a chance to meet with many of their team and I've been pleasantly surprised at the many features of MyHeritage and some of their recent updates as well.
- MyHeritage, launched in 2005, is now the 2nd largest genealogy company in the world with the recent additions of FamilyLink, WorldVitalRecords and Geni to their family.
- MyHeritage hosts more than 4 billion global, historical records. Later this month the record sets will also include the complete U.S. Federal Census, 1790-1940, with all images indexed.
- MyHeritage offers free family tree web sites that you can share with others. The sites can be completely private and hidden from the public, or they can be searchable and shared with the public.
- With MyHeritage you have the option of creating your family tree via their web site, their free app for your mobile device, or their free Family Tree Builder software for Windows.
- Some of the things that impress me most are all the privacy options built into the family tree sites. Privacy is a top priority at MyHeritage. You can lock down your personal profile to protect your own privacy. You can also limit access and content through privacy settings for each of your family trees.
- MyHeritage has a spiffy face recognition feature that helps to tag people in photos within your family trees. Its algorithms learn the faces and remember them, returning you matching results from the growing collection of photos uploaded by other viewers. Yet another way to connect with possible cousins online.
- Smart Matching compare your family tree and matches it with millions of other family trees on MyHeritage. Smart Matching works with almost 40 different languages. When it comes to matching names it will work at matching all possible versions of a name, including those in different languages.
- One of the most striking things I learned was how MyHeritage benefits U.S. genealogists in a new and unique way. MyHeritage was founded in Israel and has members from all over the world. This means it is relatively new to the U.S. market. Smart Matching has the ability to match U.S. researchers with distant cousins in the old world, using technology to help bridge that sometimes difficult gap.
- Record Matching works in much the same way as Smart Matching. It looks for historical records in the MyHeritage data sets that may match people in your family tree and the events in their lives. It is unique in that it also includes newspaper articles.
- SuperSearch allows user to search through billions of records across all of the data sets and all of the family trees available on MyHeritage.
- MyHeritage also offers DNA testing and they can help you showcase your research with printing of personalized charts for your family tree.
- And on a personal note, I was pleased to learn that the founder of MyHeritage started his own genealogy research when he was 13 years old. I started when I was 17. I like knowing that there is a long personal history of genealogy behind a research tool of this sort and that the founder and CEO of MyHeritage is a genealogist.
MyHeritage is a company on the forefront of new technology that enables your family tree to find content matches even as you sleep! This is a company to watch and I highly recommend you give them a try.
For the next week only take advantage of this 50% off the data subscription deal and help both your family history research and Cyndi's List at the same time. Thank you!
Cyndi Ingle Howells
Disclaimer: This blog post was written by me after spending time exploring the features of the subscription-based MyHeritage genealogy web site. The material written here is in my own words. Any purchases/subscriptions created from the link in this article will result in a donation from MyHeritage to Cyndi's List.